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Effective Jan. 26, 2025, we will upgrade our online giving platform to ChurchTrac to create a more user-friendly, all-inclusive solution for SEJ members, churches, and departments. After the effective date, this page will redirect you to the NEW platform. To assist us in a smooth transition, the District & Department secretaries have been verifying that all SEJ churches and departments have an email on file with the SEJ Finance Team, in addition to ensuring every SEJ member has an active email address on file with the Finance Team.


You are welcome to continue using this platform until the effective date. Reminder, please include an additional 3% in your giving to cover the platform fees.

Corporate Tithes

Select an option

Thank you for giving! Your reciept has been emailed to you. Remeber to check you spam/junk folder.

Church Allotments

Church Contributions

Deadline: May 1st

Please fill each section with your church's total giving amount to each department & auxillary (you may elect to give the full amount or a portion).


Thank you for your contribution

International Assessments

General Assembly Assessments

Deadline: March 1st

Select an item ($)

Thank you for giving!

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